We build beautiful business applications with last mile functionality and scientific insights for select industries delivered as a cloud service.


The word Character comes from the Greek expression meaning “Engraved Mark” or “Symbolic Imprint” on one’s Soul.

The ex-great college basketball coach, John Wooden who won 10 National Championships at UCLA said: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” Basically, if you take care of your character, your reputation will take care of itself. What defines someone’s character? Is it their honesty and integrity and how it springs forth from a noble heart and mind?  Yes, and then some.  

The word Character comes from the Greek expression meaning “Engraved Mark” or “Symbolic Imprint” on one’s Soul. And this imprint defines who we are. It includes our intellect, thoughts, ideas, motives, intentions, temperament, judgment, behavior and emotions. All these components shape our character. The balancing of these components and how one or more are predominant over the others is what encompasses the uniqueness of one personality over another. It’s where our individualization is born. 

When discussing the attributes of Globalstar, I often cite how we have a stellar reputation with clients, partners, and consultants. This doesn’t just happen, it takes becoming that which you promote, by expressing your character-based attributes. It’s incumbent upon leaders within any organization to not only embody the attributes they want to convey, but also exhibit said attributes by way of expression. Basically, leaders set the bar for what is the identification of your organization’s character. Some call it cheerleading, others call it promoting your cause or crusade. I call it leading.

Not many people would question the character of Abraham Lincoln. Otherwise, known as “Honest Abe.” Lincoln earned his Honest Abe nickname when he was working as a young clerk. As the story goes, whenever he noticed he had inadvertently short-changed someone by even a few pennies, he would close the shop and walk as far as it took to deliver the correct change. Lincoln’s reputation was formed by a deeper sense of right and wrong, which at the end of day defined his character. 

Globalstar has been successfully working with our valued clients, partners, and consultants for over two decades. Doing so, takes embodying character-based attributes that allow for longevity in relationships. At Globalstar, we pride ourselves on doing the job right, the first time, which entails doing the right thing by everyone involved—whether with a client, a partner, or one of our team members. We continually weigh what’s in the best interest of all involved and forge ahead in the fairest way possible. Basically, our character aligns with our actions, which leads to the reputation we enjoy today. The key is to become the character-based values you expect to manifest by consistently having your words and actions line up.

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