There are those times in our lives that mark the passage of time, like birthdays, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, and yes, the Holidays. For some the Holidays cause a feeling of anxiety and even depression. This is typically associated with extra stress, unrealistic expectations, or memories that accompany a sense of loss during seasons past. Some would say this is perfectly normal and that telling someone they shouldn’t be sad or trying to cheer them up only tells them that they cannot be honest about how they’re feeling. That said, I have a feeling that the overall goal of the Holidays is to celebrate the gift of life, family, friends, health, and prosperity. We also have the religious aspects of the Holidays, but I’ll stay away from that one.
So, what can we do to ensure that the Holidays go off without a hitch? For one thing, don’t go crazy on the eat or drink front. Don’t use the Holidays as an excuse to overindulge, because any sort of underlying Holiday angst will only be exacerbated by letting yourself go. I have a distinct feeling that most holiday misunderstandings are the result of overindulgence, especially with alcohol. Instead, get leverage on yourself and use the Holidays as a time for reflection and renewal. And make sure you take time for exercise and relaxation. I can’t tell you how many times I have been stressed and gone to gym as a means of release. I call it getting rid of the road rage.
The holidays have always underscored the passage of time for me. My birthday, not so much, but the Holidays bring back a plethora of memories of times when we weren’t sure we would even have a Holiday season. I’m sure I am not alone when it comes to underappreciating the gift of the Holidays. That is why we should avoid isolation and stay connected to those we care about. Don’t be one of those people who stands back and expects the world to come to you or you will likely be waiting a long time and be sorely disappointed.
In fact, the Holidays are a great time to bury the hatchet. I remember a time when one of my three brothers and I had a falling out related to my dad’s funeral. Two and half years passed without a word between us, but when the family was getting together for Christmas, and he had not committed to showing up again, I picked the phone and said, “Hey, are you coming or what?” A quiet pause and then he said, “John! Yeah. Yeah. Of course, we are coming!” From that moment on he and I have stayed connected not only during the Holidays, but ongoingly. Use the Holidays as an excuse to reconnect with those you love.
Yet another Holiday Season
There are those times in our lives that mark the passage of time, like birthdays, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, and yes, the Holidays.